Saturday, March 25, 2006


I was just reading about Senator James Inhofe (R-Okla)and his attempts to get some order and sense into the effort to determine what exactly this Global Climate change means. On the one hand, most environmentalists and other people easily persuaded by advertizing, claim that current evidence of calving glaciers in Antarctica and Greenland "prove" that the earth is warming. And neither Senator Inhofe, nor yours truly, are disputing that evidence.
What we are reluctant to do is: to assume that those occurences are ipso facto the result of man-caused activities. We dispute simply that anyone really has enough correlative and reliable evidence that for instance, glaciers sliding faster and dropping some of their loads into the ocean are exclusively the result of mankind's puny energy output into our earth environment.
There are massive energy exchanges within our solar system that we do not understand enough to know their specific effects on our earth and on top of that their are additional energy variables beyond our immediate solar system that may well have their own impact on our little, precious globe.
We do know that historically there have been several colder as well as hotter periods, long before mankind could produce enough CO2 to do any harm. But we don't even know the exact causes of those temperature variations.
So rather than politicize this poorly understood phenomenon we should combine and concentrate our efforts to acquire a more comprehensive understanding of what is really going on. And we may not be able to do this persuasively yet. But the action word here is persuasive.
And that is really what Senator Inhofe is trying to accomplish. That's a tall order, particularly when there are such well funded and media supported organizations with personal agendas that brook no disagreement with their belief that humanity is causing this warming. While they may well represent a well-meaning effort to save us from our own follies, it is more likely a political ploy providing employment for a lot of dedicated envoronmentalist types, who do not question what they are told and just go out to promote the party line.
But that sort of effort hardly deserves the name of serious business.
It is interesting to recall that some of the "older" promotors of today's global warming, like Jeremy Rifkin, were just as vocal in the 60-ies and 70-ies about global cooling.
That does not provide a level of comfort when one considers the serious options available to tackle a mammoth problem such as adequate global energy supplies.
In my opinion we should encourage really knowledgeable people to keep measuring and analyzing global data that have a bearing on this topic and from time to time we should hear their progress explained lucidly and without political overtones or personal bias.
Then we decide what we need to do, if anything.