Sinister Plans?
Sinister plans
Just for the heck of it, let's indulge in some speculation about global political and strategic options of certain Middle Eastern countries.
If you are a country with a singularly aggressive and increasingly intolerant "religious" culture and have been living for many centuries at a mere subsistence level, what would you want to do, now that untold riches have been coming your way which finally might make the fullfilment of your fundamental cultural/religious objectives possible??
You are very intelligent and you want to find a way to overcome other cultures with as little physical damage as possible. You do want the spoils!!! That could very well mean a fifth-column approach of infiltrating your enemies and using their own political and economic system against them to gain your ends. Subversion in other words.
Subversion, in the target countries, but under the aegis of equality of established local rights and options. That's the ticket. Use the enemy's own laws, rules and weaknesses to your advantage and also demonstrate and publicise your own ruthless behavior in other places to intimidate the general population of those targeted countries.
Given time, you might so demoralize your enemies that they will succumb without much
fierce fighting and you will own the world.
Crazy idea??
It's exactly what the thinkers of the famous Muslim Brotherhood have been saying for decades already. The scary thing is that it looks to me, at least, that the Saudis and their allies while financing these militant groups yet appearing supportive to us, have also been playing a double game. What they are doing in effect aids and abets the ultimate plan of Radical Islam to conquer the world. Let's not forget that the Saud family are Wahhabs and it is the Wahhabi dogma that's driving many madrassas where children are inculcated with the self-sacrificing spirit of suicide bombing and terrorism. The Saudi family have been financing this operation for more than 80 years already.
Because the Western world is the ultimate enemy of radical Islam what have these efforts produced so far for the achievement of their cause?
Just review a few items:
I) Immigration of Muslims to Western Europe and now North America continues to grow.
II) Muslim populations in the West are growing at a furious rate compared to native populations.
III) Supported by their local numbers and in tune with how Western towns function politically, Muslim communities in the West increasingly pose demands on their local environments to achieve special arrangements dictated by their religious disciplines.
IV) Muslim leaders increasingly insist on imposing Sharia law on their own communities in defiance of established relevant western rules and laws.
V) Growing numbers of mosques are being built in many towns and areas and it is not really known what is being peached there, but we can guess.
VI) Muslim women are persuaded, if not forced, to adopt radical Islamic dress codes.
VII) Muslim women are intimidated by their men with respect to their duties as a subordinate species.
VIII) Brutal Sharia laws concerned with female mutilation are practised with actual impunity in western countries wherever the authorities do not wish to cause trouble for themselves. In effect Western communities are surrendering established law and conduct for an imported barbaric custom, thus making respect for our own western legal system a farce.
All these elements of immigrant Muslim behavior are part and parcel of the brutality of radical Islamic religious dogma. Thus does central radical Muslim leadership force acceptance of their barbaric behavior by many western countries and channel it into the formation of "in-place fifth column" operations, ready to pounce on their befuddled western neighbors when the time comes.
In parallel with these subversive developments, Islamic countries have achieved enough economic leverage on a world scale to be able to start doing serious damage to western economies. Think about it:
1) Supporting Environmentalism in the West has pretty much made the USA and Western Europe beholden to the Middle East and Russia for major portions of their fossil fuel requirements.
2) OPEC has been manipulating crude oil prices for years already and because it is such a dominant player on the international oil market it can raise prices without too much trouble. Tellingly, in today's (4/21/08) WSJ there appears a news item that Saudi Arabia has shelved the development of new oil fields indefinitely. This supports their policy of raising international crude oil prices nicely.
While the remaining Western oil companies also sell their oil at these prices it is only a short term boon to their financial condition. They are not in control of their own product pricing anymore, which is contrary to good business practice.
3) While Russia, China, India and Brazil are aggressively developing their own fuel resources they are also trying to capture control of foreign oil resources wherever they can. In contrast, the USA has shackled itself to the Environmentalist waggon of doom and almost given up on restarting new energy exploration in North America.
4) I am surprised that the Middle Eastern oil countries haven't made a bigger splash about the fact that the Western generated idea of disastrous global warming is really a scam. Satirizing the claims about doomsday global warming scenarios certainly would support further expansion of the oil markets and reduce respect by western populations for their gullible governments, thereby encouraging the ongoing rise in crude oil prices.
But such an effort may still come when the Middle East considers the timing most propitious. They are very clever and very dangerous.
So what are we going to do about this??
The answer appears God-given. We are going to take serious the renewed interest in the biggest oilfield ever discovered in this country 50 years ago already. The so-called "BAKKEN" area in eastern Montana and the Dakotas.
Our government will explain that no matter how fast we manage to come up with really competitive, non-subsidized, energy alternatives only much more fossil fuel will keep our economy running in growth mode for the next several decades. We will build dozens of nuclear plants, and construct necessary infrastructure such as the electrification of our railroads.
We will be able to disengage ourselves from the exploitative overseas oil suppliers, clean up our economy, regain our national selfrespect, re-educate ourselves in the civic virtues of the past and continue to be the country foreigners would consider their best bet to keep the world at peace. We will also continue to fight and eliminate Islamic radicalism for as long as it will take but we will more aggressively engage the people in those Islamic parts of the world who also want to be rid of it. That's the secret. We must again learn to accept that the maintenance of freedom is invaluable and from time to time costs precious lives and resources in its defense.
All these good things are within our grasp as a nation if we can find the leadership to get us on our way shortly. November is only 7 months away!!
That is what we should do.
Because it is the only honorable thing for us to do as the United States of America.
Sinister plans
Just for the heck of it, let's indulge in some speculation about global political and strategic options of certain Middle Eastern countries.
If you are a country with a singularly aggressive and increasingly intolerant "religious" culture and have been living for many centuries at a mere subsistence level, what would you want to do, now that untold riches have been coming your way which finally might make the fullfilment of your fundamental cultural/religious objectives possible??
You are very intelligent and you want to find a way to overcome other cultures with as little physical damage as possible. You do want the spoils!!! That could very well mean a fifth-column approach of infiltrating your enemies and using their own political and economic system against them to gain your ends. Subversion in other words.
Subversion, in the target countries, but under the aegis of equality of established local rights and options. That's the ticket. Use the enemy's own laws, rules and weaknesses to your advantage and also demonstrate and publicise your own ruthless behavior in other places to intimidate the general population of those targeted countries.
Given time, you might so demoralize your enemies that they will succumb without much
fierce fighting and you will own the world.
Crazy idea??
It's exactly what the thinkers of the famous Muslim Brotherhood have been saying for decades already. The scary thing is that it looks to me, at least, that the Saudis and their allies while financing these militant groups yet appearing supportive to us, have also been playing a double game. What they are doing in effect aids and abets the ultimate plan of Radical Islam to conquer the world. Let's not forget that the Saud family are Wahhabs and it is the Wahhabi dogma that's driving many madrassas where children are inculcated with the self-sacrificing spirit of suicide bombing and terrorism. The Saudi family have been financing this operation for more than 80 years already.
Because the Western world is the ultimate enemy of radical Islam what have these efforts produced so far for the achievement of their cause?
Just review a few items:
I) Immigration of Muslims to Western Europe and now North America continues to grow.
II) Muslim populations in the West are growing at a furious rate compared to native populations.
III) Supported by their local numbers and in tune with how Western towns function politically, Muslim communities in the West increasingly pose demands on their local environments to achieve special arrangements dictated by their religious disciplines.
IV) Muslim leaders increasingly insist on imposing Sharia law on their own communities in defiance of established relevant western rules and laws.
V) Growing numbers of mosques are being built in many towns and areas and it is not really known what is being peached there, but we can guess.
VI) Muslim women are persuaded, if not forced, to adopt radical Islamic dress codes.
VII) Muslim women are intimidated by their men with respect to their duties as a subordinate species.
VIII) Brutal Sharia laws concerned with female mutilation are practised with actual impunity in western countries wherever the authorities do not wish to cause trouble for themselves. In effect Western communities are surrendering established law and conduct for an imported barbaric custom, thus making respect for our own western legal system a farce.
All these elements of immigrant Muslim behavior are part and parcel of the brutality of radical Islamic religious dogma. Thus does central radical Muslim leadership force acceptance of their barbaric behavior by many western countries and channel it into the formation of "in-place fifth column" operations, ready to pounce on their befuddled western neighbors when the time comes.
In parallel with these subversive developments, Islamic countries have achieved enough economic leverage on a world scale to be able to start doing serious damage to western economies. Think about it:
1) Supporting Environmentalism in the West has pretty much made the USA and Western Europe beholden to the Middle East and Russia for major portions of their fossil fuel requirements.
2) OPEC has been manipulating crude oil prices for years already and because it is such a dominant player on the international oil market it can raise prices without too much trouble. Tellingly, in today's (4/21/08) WSJ there appears a news item that Saudi Arabia has shelved the development of new oil fields indefinitely. This supports their policy of raising international crude oil prices nicely.
While the remaining Western oil companies also sell their oil at these prices it is only a short term boon to their financial condition. They are not in control of their own product pricing anymore, which is contrary to good business practice.
3) While Russia, China, India and Brazil are aggressively developing their own fuel resources they are also trying to capture control of foreign oil resources wherever they can. In contrast, the USA has shackled itself to the Environmentalist waggon of doom and almost given up on restarting new energy exploration in North America.
4) I am surprised that the Middle Eastern oil countries haven't made a bigger splash about the fact that the Western generated idea of disastrous global warming is really a scam. Satirizing the claims about doomsday global warming scenarios certainly would support further expansion of the oil markets and reduce respect by western populations for their gullible governments, thereby encouraging the ongoing rise in crude oil prices.
But such an effort may still come when the Middle East considers the timing most propitious. They are very clever and very dangerous.
So what are we going to do about this??
The answer appears God-given. We are going to take serious the renewed interest in the biggest oilfield ever discovered in this country 50 years ago already. The so-called "BAKKEN" area in eastern Montana and the Dakotas.
Our government will explain that no matter how fast we manage to come up with really competitive, non-subsidized, energy alternatives only much more fossil fuel will keep our economy running in growth mode for the next several decades. We will build dozens of nuclear plants, and construct necessary infrastructure such as the electrification of our railroads.
We will be able to disengage ourselves from the exploitative overseas oil suppliers, clean up our economy, regain our national selfrespect, re-educate ourselves in the civic virtues of the past and continue to be the country foreigners would consider their best bet to keep the world at peace. We will also continue to fight and eliminate Islamic radicalism for as long as it will take but we will more aggressively engage the people in those Islamic parts of the world who also want to be rid of it. That's the secret. We must again learn to accept that the maintenance of freedom is invaluable and from time to time costs precious lives and resources in its defense.
All these good things are within our grasp as a nation if we can find the leadership to get us on our way shortly. November is only 7 months away!!
That is what we should do.
Because it is the only honorable thing for us to do as the United States of America.