One man's opinion about immigration
One man’s opinion about Immigration
What makes the immigration issue so intractable?
Simple. People refuse to look at the facts and accept the only conclusion that’s feasible, rational and necessary.
What are the facts?
1 Our southern border has been wide open for more than 60 years.
This has been a grievous failure of our Federal authorities. They have the responsibility to protect our borders and didn’t.
2 America’s post WW II growing unwillingness to do menial work, picking fruit, mowing lawns.
3 Millions of people south of our border were poor, hungry and more than willing to do all the menial work.
4 Little by little small groups of seasonal workers became a stream of foreigners that settled and stayed to become a mammoth political issue.
5 And now many Americans are adamant that the cause of the problem is the “illegal” immigrants rather than our Federal Government and everybody else who willingly used the “illegals” to do work but wanted to be rid of them when work was done.
That’s not how the real world works. In many respects “people” flow like water, that is down-hill. Down-hill meaning they will go where it is easier and more remunerative to make a living than where they are. In order to improve their economic condition they tend to work at anything. If necessary they move temporarily or permanently; they seek opportunities wherever they might be and eventually most of them settle down to raise families and become good citizens.
For decades, north of the American border there was a great need for simple labor, mostly of a seasonal kind. The border was wide open so what do you expect to see happen.?
What would you have done if you were hungry, poor and living next to a huge market where your willingness to work hard was needed, paid for and available?
All of us Americans created this problem for ourselves. We didn’t take the trouble to nip it in the bud, when we should have and could have done so. We took the easy way out.
So instead of blaming the illegal immigrants we should really blame ourselves.
And finally, should we call these people “illegal” immigrants or economic opportunists?
Consequences and options.
To become an immigrant myself 60 years ago I had to go through all the bureaucratic requirements to obtain a “green card”. Hence plausibly, I could insist that everyone desirous to work and live in the USA should follow the same procedures as I did, no exceptions. That would be logical and desirable but not really practical today for those who merely made desperate use of the huge opportunity to get jobs thanks to the American Government’s failure of not protecting our southern border. What would you have done under the circumstances?
Time for action.
In my judgment we need to recognize the above facts and draw the following conclusions from them.
1 First of all, the borders must absolutely be closed and controlled. Until we do that we cannot in good conscience blame those who use the opportunity to cross into the USA, “illegally” only because they want to work and become responsible citizens.
2 We must swallow hard but accept the fact that making amnesty part of the
solution under the circumstances is our only honorable way to solve
this problem.
2 After a certain date, we must establish annual quotas of qualified immigrants from all countries, not just some European and other countries.
3 The people who have been here for more than a year, who work for a living and have no police record will be issued a “green-card”, with the following provisions:
A the individual and family must learn to speak adequate English within 3 years or will be deported, for keeps.
B these special immigrants will not be provided with blanket medical care, without paying proper dues. Neither will they qualify for retirement benefits until they become citizens.
Nor will they have any voting rights whatsoever.
C children of legally and credibly married immigrants will not automatically become US citizens but will have to apply for citizenship upon reaching age 18, or obtain a Military Service waiver for exceptional conduct.
All so-called “tourism babies” will not automatically become US citizens, while all those in that category during the past 10 years should have their citizenship cancelled.
4 The US Federal and State Governments will instantly stop the use of Spanish as an aid to Hispanic speaking people. Bilingual education and communications in any way shape or form should be cancelled. It is not helpful and costs money. English is our National Language and should be so recognized.
Immigrant children will be taught in English, at school. They will not be allowed to take Spanish or any other foreign language as a course until they are fluent in English.
Failing this will eliminate their own opportunity to become citizens.
I had to learn English so why shouldn’t they?.
When all is said and done I firmly believe that the arrangement I propose will resolve and remove this very truculent and long suffering problem from our national conscience and body politic.
Message: Citizenship shall not be given but can and must be earned.
One man’s opinion about Immigration
What makes the immigration issue so intractable?
Simple. People refuse to look at the facts and accept the only conclusion that’s feasible, rational and necessary.
What are the facts?
1 Our southern border has been wide open for more than 60 years.
This has been a grievous failure of our Federal authorities. They have the responsibility to protect our borders and didn’t.
2 America’s post WW II growing unwillingness to do menial work, picking fruit, mowing lawns.
3 Millions of people south of our border were poor, hungry and more than willing to do all the menial work.
4 Little by little small groups of seasonal workers became a stream of foreigners that settled and stayed to become a mammoth political issue.
5 And now many Americans are adamant that the cause of the problem is the “illegal” immigrants rather than our Federal Government and everybody else who willingly used the “illegals” to do work but wanted to be rid of them when work was done.
That’s not how the real world works. In many respects “people” flow like water, that is down-hill. Down-hill meaning they will go where it is easier and more remunerative to make a living than where they are. In order to improve their economic condition they tend to work at anything. If necessary they move temporarily or permanently; they seek opportunities wherever they might be and eventually most of them settle down to raise families and become good citizens.
For decades, north of the American border there was a great need for simple labor, mostly of a seasonal kind. The border was wide open so what do you expect to see happen.?
What would you have done if you were hungry, poor and living next to a huge market where your willingness to work hard was needed, paid for and available?
All of us Americans created this problem for ourselves. We didn’t take the trouble to nip it in the bud, when we should have and could have done so. We took the easy way out.
So instead of blaming the illegal immigrants we should really blame ourselves.
And finally, should we call these people “illegal” immigrants or economic opportunists?
Consequences and options.
To become an immigrant myself 60 years ago I had to go through all the bureaucratic requirements to obtain a “green card”. Hence plausibly, I could insist that everyone desirous to work and live in the USA should follow the same procedures as I did, no exceptions. That would be logical and desirable but not really practical today for those who merely made desperate use of the huge opportunity to get jobs thanks to the American Government’s failure of not protecting our southern border. What would you have done under the circumstances?
Time for action.
In my judgment we need to recognize the above facts and draw the following conclusions from them.
1 First of all, the borders must absolutely be closed and controlled. Until we do that we cannot in good conscience blame those who use the opportunity to cross into the USA, “illegally” only because they want to work and become responsible citizens.
2 We must swallow hard but accept the fact that making amnesty part of the
solution under the circumstances is our only honorable way to solve
this problem.
2 After a certain date, we must establish annual quotas of qualified immigrants from all countries, not just some European and other countries.
3 The people who have been here for more than a year, who work for a living and have no police record will be issued a “green-card”, with the following provisions:
A the individual and family must learn to speak adequate English within 3 years or will be deported, for keeps.
B these special immigrants will not be provided with blanket medical care, without paying proper dues. Neither will they qualify for retirement benefits until they become citizens.
Nor will they have any voting rights whatsoever.
C children of legally and credibly married immigrants will not automatically become US citizens but will have to apply for citizenship upon reaching age 18, or obtain a Military Service waiver for exceptional conduct.
All so-called “tourism babies” will not automatically become US citizens, while all those in that category during the past 10 years should have their citizenship cancelled.
4 The US Federal and State Governments will instantly stop the use of Spanish as an aid to Hispanic speaking people. Bilingual education and communications in any way shape or form should be cancelled. It is not helpful and costs money. English is our National Language and should be so recognized.
Immigrant children will be taught in English, at school. They will not be allowed to take Spanish or any other foreign language as a course until they are fluent in English.
Failing this will eliminate their own opportunity to become citizens.
I had to learn English so why shouldn’t they?.
When all is said and done I firmly believe that the arrangement I propose will resolve and remove this very truculent and long suffering problem from our national conscience and body politic.
Message: Citizenship shall not be given but can and must be earned.
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