Sunday, July 28, 2013

Promises, Promises


PROMISES, PROMISES                        

We have heard it all, almost 4 years of “non-kept” promises:


to fix the economy, meaning growth and not stagnation,

to reduce unemployment from more than 9% to less than 6%,

to improve business conditions and not penalizing success,

to improve our energy situation, but not by throwing money at “green” energy boondoggles while reducing coal fired power plants by 30% and denying permits for nuclear power plants and drilling on Federal land for fossil fuels,

to adhere to well established Constitutional mandates in governing the Country in a bi-partisan way but instead adopting a brazen policy of ignoring history and legitimacy and essentially operating by fiat and crony-politics, etc. etc.

To this you might add the USA’s serious loss of international status and its quick march to national insolvency.

The results to date have been calamitous.

So! You want 4 more years of the same ??

Also don’t forget the false claims of things the President cannot claim credit for but are still taken up by the Media as truths.

     “his initiative killed Ben Laden” ??

And instead of showing some serious responsibility for its mistakes the current Administration is blithely asking voters for 4 more years of the same “leadership”, thereby showing a distinct contempt for a great majority of American voters’ ability to be fooled twice.

Instead, what we need is:

“Leadership” that is steeped in the lessons of our past 236 years of existence. Compared to any other country we should be proud of our history, just ask those who would love to immigrate if they could. But to get a successful “Leader” we must elect a really qualified individual with a relevant and credible managerial background. That candidate is now available and ready. But are our voters ready or will their lack of critical evaluation of the incumbent blind them once more to do the right thing??

While for many voters the past 4 years may well have been a painful disappointment it is certainly time for all of us, Americans, to realize the critical shape our Nation is in right now and decide to vote for the able and honorable candidate rather than for the one with the false promises who would make matters worse, not better.


November 6 shouldn’t even be a contest.


Frederik Engel

Redding, CT.