Sunday, June 28, 2009

Chicken Little Obama


June 23, 2009

The President of the United States
Mr. Barack H. Obama
The White House
Washington, D.C. 20500

Dear Mr. President,

With all due respect, Mr. President, but the recent announcement of the pending publication of your Administration's "Climate Change" report may be the beginning of the end of your once promising Presidency.

The brutal fact of the matter is that you are being set up by a large and rather fanatic coterie of "Greens", a handful of misguided scientists, the UN, a large portion of the Western media and many among our professional politicians who all want you to sign off on a wastefully expensive, completely ineffective, totally unnecessary and nationally destructive "plan to save the planet".

This deal is a scam! CO2, which is a trace gas in the atmosphere, has at best a peripheral impact on global warming. Instead of being a pollutant, it is the gas of life, without which nothing can live on this earth. The recorded warming periods during the past 200 years are mistakenly and irrationally promoted as proof that mankind's production of CO2 is the primary cause of this warming. To the contrary, these warming periods are very much a part of natural and normal climate changes, the latter primarily caused by solar brilliance and magnetic field variations. Consequently, there is NO cause for alarm. Humanity is not the cause of climate change.

Mr. President, if you would allow half a working day worth of your time to study the real facts of the so-called global warming issue, you would understand why there is NO PROBLEM. Then you could tell the country that it has been misled by some "over-enthusiastic" people but that you are going to spend whatever money we would have wasted on a climate boondoggle on more realistic and important issues, such as infra-structure, education, more conventional energy, and nuclear power plants.

I am sure you are aware of the political reasons and utter mendacity of the people behind this brilliantly conceived CO2 driven effort to destroy our economy, only because its proponents do not like coal, fossil fuel or nuclear energy and the way we have made use of it. In fact, they are motivated by this pseudo-religious fad which, if allowed to become the law of the land, would make you, Mr. President, a "Chicken Little" executive.

It is my sincerest wish, Mr. President, that you will recognize the threat of this alarmist effort to our country and our position in the world, for what it truly represents. I cannot believe that you would consider the world to be better off without our imperfect but unparalleled USA.

So please do not sign any legislation in support of it but instead call for an exhaustive study of all verifiable facts in support of the world's true climate status.


Frederik Engel